Saginaw County is home to generations of manufacturing expertise, along with top technical talent and PhDs. The diversity and depth of talent available makes our Region stand out nationally. In fact, local talent is responsible for a number of patents filed each year. Still, SFI understands how critical it is to continue cultivating the local workforce in order to meet changing industry needs. This is why we facilitate collaboration between educational institutions, industry and workforce training organizations.
There are twelve educational institutions within the Region that offer training closely aligned with labor demand. In addition, employers have access to nationally-recognized workforce sourcing and technical training programs at no cost to employers. This ensures that employers maintain the steady pipeline of talent that is necessary for growing their businesses.
In addition, SFI assists businesses with recruitment, retention, and staff training while making it possible to access available tax credits.
Technical Programs Available within Saginaw County
Delta College Fast Start Training Programs - are powerful, unique partnerships between your business, Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! and Delta College, providing pools of potential trained employees. Those programs include Chemical Process Operator, Computer Numeric Control (CNC), Customer Service, Diesel Technician and Manufacturing Assembly.
Delta College Corporate Services - is located in the heart of the Great Lakes Bay Region and provides customized employee technical training, organizational development training, and customized pre-hire training programs to meet business demands.
Saginaw Career Complex – is the Career and Technical Education Center for Saginaw County offering 19 programs that prepare students for college, advanced technical training or skilled entry-level work.
PartnerShift Network - formally, Saginaw County Business & Education Partnership (SCBEP), has over 30 years of experience in collaborating with business, education, and community leaders to increase academic achievement, employability skills, and workforce solutions within the region.
Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! – provides employment services directly to employers. Services include employee recruitment, screening, interview facilities, skills testing, custom training. The Michigan Talent Bank is a free internet-based resume and job bank available to employers.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 557 / NECA – provides electrical apprenticeship and training. The program combines in-class knowledge and on-the-job training with electrical contractors.
Saginaw Valley State University College of Science, Engineering & Technology – provides undergraduate programs in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics, and computer science, as well as a graduate program in energy & materials.
Saginaw Valley State University Business Resource & Development Center - is home to the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center – Northeast, Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development, Independent Testing Laboratory, Saginaw Valley Research and Development Corporation, Great Lakes Bay Manufacturers Association and The Stevens Center for Family Business.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation Job Portal – is for skilled job seekers and employers.
National Career Readiness Certificate – is a credential to verify to U.S. employers that an individual has essential employability skills in Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics, and Locating Information.
U.A. Local 85 Journeyman & Apprenticeship of the Pipefitting and Plumbing Industry - covers the installation of commercial and industrial progress piping systems. A welding certification is also available.