Regional Economic Development Organizations Kick Off Economic Development Week with Great Lakes Bay. Michigan. Centered. Marketing Initiative to Attract Businesses

12 May 2022
Saginaw, Mich., May 12, 2022 – Collaboration is not foreign to the Economic Development Organizations in Region 5, and neither is business attraction, but in response to the COVID pandemic, these economic development organizations have thought it necessary to partner together to develop and employ a plan to attract new businesses to Region 5 in Michigan which includes the eight counties of Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland and Saginaw.
The initiative, launched by seven regional economic development organizations who represent more than a half million people in the middle eastern portion of Michigan, bordering Lake Huron, has branded the geographic area as Great Lakes Bay. Michigan. Centered. The objectives of the plan are to secure investment in targeted industries by promoting regional assets to decision makers of companies through a process called site selection as well as engage key stakeholders within the community to accentuate the benefits of doing business here.
The committee collaborated to develop and produce a variety of materials to market this area of the state of Michigan. Along with branding the geographic area as Great Lakes Bay. Michigan. Centered., a description of the area was developed to tell the story of what it’s like in the region which were included in advertorials that have been published in national periodicals such as Business Facilities and Site Selection Magazine.
Streamlined property templates were developed to better market the most shovel ready and developable land parcels and buildings available in each county which have been utilized in site selection tours and at national shows. The region includes these sites in their property database which is a comprehensive site detailing information about available properties in partnership with regional realtors.
That collaboration allowed for the regional economic development organizations to solidify their processes of business attraction and marketing in a cohesive effort. Another aspect of that includes identifying targeted industries to attract to the communities. Targeted industries are businesses that could be best supported in terms of natural resources, geographic location, workforce, and available infrastructure. Those identified throughout the region included advanced manufacturing, agribusiness, and healthcare. The Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance is also collaborating with Region 5 by continuing to support site consultant outreach and event sponsorship. The Alliance will also promote the overall region at state and national events.
The initiative to market and brand the eight counties as a region, Great Lakes Bay. Michigan. Centered. has led to additional momentum and outside attention, including a $105,000 grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to fund the efforts at a larger scale throughout 2022. The funds make it possible for the committee to expand their efforts in highlighting premier sites for businesses and marketing and promotion.
Each of the eight counties have experienced unique successes over the past year, and each county has its own unique attributes in terms of population, talent, and industry legacy. While the counties in the region all have similar resources in common, they also all have the same goals, to continue to grow the local economy by creating jobs and supporting capital investment.
Bay Future, Inc.
“If we don’t continue to aggressively bring businesses to our region, they’ll go elsewhere and talent will go along with them. Our local economies require growth and reinvestment. Marketing our area is critical to making that possible. We have to be able to compete with communities across the State of Michigan and throughout the country in order to continue to grow,” said Trevor Keyes, President & CEO of Bay Future, Inc. Headshot
Gladwin County EDC
“The effort to maintain a solid economic base and to grow after the devastation of COVID and flooding has been continual and we’re pleased that we’ve worked together as a community and region to increase opportunities during this period of trials,” said Scott Govitz, Gladwin County EDC
Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance
“The Great Lakes Bay Region is a remarkable STEM powered region with a proud history in manufacturing, agriculture, health care, higher education, and tourism,” said Matthew Felan, President & CEO of the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance. “The Great Lakes Bay, Michigan. Centered. marketing campaign is an important initiative that will lead to additional prospects who are looking to capitalize on opportunities in our thriving region.”
Greater Gratiot Development, Inc.
“Working regionally for business attraction purposes helps put our smaller counties on the map for site selectors. Without this program, hosting site familiarization tours, traveling to national and international trade shows, and advertising in publications would not be feasible. This initiative allows us to take part in what Gratiot County, and many of our partners, could not do on its own due to budget and time constraints,” said Jim Wheeler, President of Greater Gratiot Development, Inc.
Middle Michigan Development Corporation
"Having a cohesive regional attraction strategy makes us more competitive in promoting our combined assets to potential businesses, who might be interested in locating here," says Jim McBryde, CEO and President of Middle Michigan Development Corporation. "In 2021, we attracted several new businesses to Clare and Isabella counties, and I believe our regional attraction strategy was key to these successes."
Saginaw Future Inc.
“There isn’t a better time than Economic Development Week to share these regional wins and the collaborative efforts that took place amongst the region’s local EDOs to ensure that we are growing forward together. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate this than by announcing the work happening right now in our region,” states JoAnn Crary, President of Saginaw Future Inc.
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